Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand somewhere else
Psalm 84:10
You are welcome, to FAMILY
At Ark we welcome people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Like families, we have everything from small babies to elderly people, which allows us to value and include one another. We do not believe that age or gender should be a barrier to encountering the power of God in our services and we value the ministry of both men and women. The church is multicultural and includes people from many nations. Sermon notes are currently translated into Cantonese, Spanish and Ukrainian.
We’re passionate about COMMUNITY
Ark is a church that is outwardly focused. We know that God loves our community in all its diversity, and so do we! We regularly organise outdoor events that bring people together to do activities, have fun and have food (all free of charge). We believe that by doing this we break down barriers and enable community relationships to be built. God’s blessing is poured out where there is unity, and we see this blessing activated throughout our neighbourhood.
At Ark, we want to see the Kingdom of God established in the world. This is much bigger than any one church growing and doing well. We want to see revival throughout our city and across our nation. We are part of LifeSpring Apostolic Family and do not see ourselves as a stand alone independent church. We have chosen to be part of a kingdom vision to plant churches in our region and in other nations.
All for the KINGDOM
Visit Us:
Ark Community Church
St James Road
Sutton Coldfield
B75 5EH