Outflow Mission - Flow Church

香港流堂與本地Ark Community Church合作成立一個平台,聚集一群在伯明翰尋找教會或尋求信仰的香港人。 我們以粵語舉行週六教會崇拜,當中提供兒童/青少年班。除了崇拜之外,我們亦會有小組分享和聖經學習,幫助大家建立屬靈群體並一起成長,更協助香港人融入本地社區。 歡迎大家參加或聯繫Kendell傳道 (電話:07984 551209)。

Together with Ark Community Church, Flow Church has been set up to provide a platform to gather people relocating from Hong Kong who are looking for a church or seeking a faith in Birmingham. We have services together biweekly on Saturday evenings in Cantonese and we have a team who provide kids/youth classes too. We provide bible study and daily sharing in small groups, and assist HongKongers to integrate into their local community.  All of you are welcomed or contact our pastor Kendell at 07984 551209.